lma smart institute management system is a smart
comprehensive solution for educational institutes
that transform the traditional management style
into modern efficient digitized system for
administration, management
and learning related activities.


ilma Smart Institute Management System

- Online Campus Management
- Dashboard for Parent - Staff - Students
- Smart device School App
- SMS Alerts and Notification

Smart Bus Attendance System

Bus attendant take attendance of students
by scanning the QR code on their ID cards
and automatic notifications/alerts sent to parents

Attendance Module:
Collecting data of students attendance is the key for identifying students with poor attendance so prompt actions are taken accordingly. This module of iSIMS, help the school management to timely involve parents for student attendance improvement.

Safety is important:
Safety is the foremost requirement for any school and parent, SBAS gives the comfort and control of a well designed system which provides complete features for transporting little angels from home to school and back.